Wednesday, May 8, 2024

APR to Paula - Wes Wilson


I was so happy with the envelope to Patty that used one of these stamps - the one with the ice cream cone. There were 4 designs in this set. Patty's ice-cream-cone-P was very cute. I did not have any more of the ice cream cone stamps - so tried to make a P out of the shamrock. Yuck. The dreamsicle is the opposite of dreamy. The rainbow is OK. The kitten pattern is pitiful. The mutant cupcake gives me the creeps. 
Making letters out of objects is hit-or-miss. I do like the challenge of a stamp with 5 little images - and making those 5 images into letters - and if I had a staff of people managing my household - I would work on this until it was lovely. I would also pay my staff a ridiculous amount of money and I would be very easy to please.

I did not block the address because this is going to a post office for a display.

***Real time add on - I bought another sheet of these stamps - so we'll see if I can come up with a better picture-alphabet.


Back in late March, I posted an envelope by JeanR and didn't know the name of the style and then it popped up on IG - and lead to Amity Parks. She's been featured on the blog - and if you are interested in this style by Wes Wilson - contact Amity and see if it will be on her Zoom class schedule. LINK to Amity's class

To see more examples, Google *Wes Wilson lettering* - also keep reading the blog because I ended up with a full WesWilsonBinge. 

And here is a video about Wes - LINK to Wes Wilson video

Amity's exemplar

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

FEB from Phillip - Signatures


This Feb exchange envelope was hiding on my desk - so it's out of order. It is from Phillip - and he mailed in on Feb 29th - and enclosed a note saying that he hoped it ended up with a nice clear leap day post mark. It took about 3 weeks to make its way from Ohio to Des Moines. I need to find out if the scanners cannot see anything on red paper. I feel like that's a rumor I heard many years ago. There is a faint postmark on the back of the envelope. 


It was hard to choose which example to post from this IG. The videos of the actual pen in action are mesmerizing. 

I have not had a chance to look at much at the website - but will share this info. I hope it is legible. If not you may find it on the website.

Initially AlRasyid was the Founder, CEO and robotic engineer of the first underwater robot company in Indonesia. Differences in vision forced AlRasyid to retire and choose to become an artist. Finally he succeeded in creating a new type of lettering suitable for signatures and logos. In order to serve you, he founded the Alrasyid Lettering company. Company profits are reused to build art, education, technology projects and develop the younger generation. Now there are 18 young talents who have joined Alrasyid Lettering. All because of you, from you, and for you.

Monday, May 6, 2024

MAR to Grace, Cathy, Mia, Jessica

We have come to the end of my March envelopes. The DRC - Deep Regret Club. The only thing worse than the envelopes is putting up with my whining about it.

<deep sigh> I did just delete two paragraphs of detailed whining - because we all have better things to do.

Grace's is just boring - but using up orphan stamps is necessary - and we might even be close to getting it done.

The idea to use the lettering on the selvage of the sheet of stamps was an atrocious idea on Cathy's. It was hard to part with those orphans because they have been around for so long and are soooo pretty. I believe I sent a consolation envelope that has already appeared.

Next we have the Inverted Jenny - someone sent me two of these stamps. They came on a sheet with that big border. I was supposed to send an envelope to the person who sent me the stamps (in 2018) - and somehow I lost the name and address - so apologies to that person if she is still reading the blog. She is/was not an exchanger - she just sent the stamps out of the blue. So --- it's a $2 stamp - and I am out of international stamps - so I figured I would use it on an envelope to Mia - in Canada. 

In a perfect world, I would have made the lettering of her name and address in the style of the cartouche. Instead I botched some script - and printing - and stuffed it in another envelope - and forgot to photograph either one of them....grrrr

And finally - we have the wrong stamps on an envelope. They were supposed to go on a different one - so - hopefully Jessica likes the stamps - because they are all-time favorites of mine that were a hard to let go. I hope they are happy in FL.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

MAR to Mary

This is probably my final attempt to appropriate Mary's design. I did manage to loosen up and do some overlaps - but, I do not have any juicy white gel pens and that is a major frustration. I will refrain from a longer rant about how hard it is to find juicy bold white gel pens. Any discussion of art supply availability gets my blood boiling. Nobody wants to hear about that.....

I'm still on my ponder-fest about how worthless some of my blog posts are. I read one that was so inane that it was bothering me. Lucky for me, I have a whole posse of people who only know me through the blog so I can just pull up comments from them and it adjusts my perspective. 

The whole point of the blog - is to take a few minutes to do something to offset all the other stuff that is going on. Or, if you are a person with too little going on - and you need to fill some hours - voila - that's the whole point of the blog.

I feel like I need to make a flow chart.....


Saturday, May 4, 2024

MAR to Patty and Leslie

Patty used this stamp on an envelope to me (with items off the stamp turned into lettering) which inspired me to do something similar. Below is the practice I did because I knew it would be impossible to get it right in one shot. I wish I had done two practices or used a smaller envelope. The proportions are a little off - but, it's pretty good. I think the looser flowers are better on the practice one. That's one of the hardest parts for me - finding the balance between careful enough that it's not wild - but loose enough that it's not stiff. The final P is better because the scoop of ice cream needed to be larger. The tt is better on the final because I had loosened up and they fit together better. I can't decide which A I like better. Probably the practice - but maybe not. 

It's exactly like all those other places where you have to be tight and controlled and also relaxed and free at the same time. I like that I know that - but it is also frustrating to know how hard it is to be in that zone.

Which brings us to Exhibit B - I was loose enough that I liked 75% of Leslie's - but the balloons needed something - and I knew I'd mess it up - so I let it go - with moderately deep regret. <sigh>  I should probably buy another sheet of those stamps - the colors are yummy.


Friday, May 3, 2024

MAR to Caroline and Christina

Pointed brush was the style of lettering that drew me into the serious study of calligraphy. While penmanship fascinated me when I was 3 years old and just figuring out how words could be stored on paper using the alphabet and while I spent a ridiculous amount of time in college working on my penmanship - and while my first two or three classes in calligraphy (in my early 40s) were interesting - it was the class in pointed brush that tipped me into the full blown obsession. 

But there is little call for pointed brush in the world of envelope addressing - so I've let my pointed brush skills wither. Or is it whither. Spell-check is not underlining either. These were the last two envelopes for March and the colors were pleasing. 

I deeply regret that wimpy little *r* as well as the last stroke of the *h* which needs some shade.

 While I am cutting back on surfing, I have also been reviewing some of my blog posts - and I am in a quandary. Some of them are 100% goofy. Should I go back and edit and delete the goofy parts? Fourteen years of posts -- that's a lot of editing.....

Thursday, May 2, 2024

MAR to Amy - bread crumbs

The colors are so perfect. The stamp is gorgeous. The cartouche needed something else. The lettering is s tiny bit sloppy. All-in-all - not one of the worst for the month - but only slightly better than average.

Two days ago we talked about St. Joseph having a saw - and Troy said something about the breadcrumbs being symbolic. This cracked me up. Any time there is some reference to some recycled bread product becoming symbolic of something else, I chuckle. People who make food are forever coming up with stories to distract from the recycling of leftovers. If I were not running on empty here - I'd list all the examples of leftovers being recycled and the silly stories layered on top. 
I had a different word in mind - instead of *silly* but couldn't find the spelling online.
kock-uh-may-mee .... is what I was looking for.   (OK - I found the spelling on a second try - and it has a really fun origin - link below.)

Thank you Troy - for the fun letter that provided a bunch of add-on blurbs. I have 6 weeks scheduled - so I can put blurb writing on the back burner - and maybe start my April envelopes.


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

MAR to Kate - MAY exchange sign-up

Kate often gets a less than spectacular envelope because her name pops into my head when I start envelopes before the lists are made up. I can rattle off at least half or more of the exchangers names without looking at a list - but a bunch of them have *problem* features - which makes me not-eager to do their names. Kate is an easy name - so I often do hers first and then regret that it's a dud - because it is a *warn-up* idea. So this time - I did a bunch of experimental designs and I loved this one - so I was excited that Kate would finally get a non-dud envelope. I did a practice on her name - and it was fine - but then the marker did a weird soaking thing when it hit the envelope - so, I was mildly annoyed --- and it doesn't even look that good in the photo. In real life - the colors on the design were very pretty with the left stamp. It feels good to clear out the orphans.

Time to sign up for the May exchange.
 --- please read this before signing up.
we are testing a new process.

I normally ask everyone to send me the exact same information every month in an email and start a new list every month. I never had a good system for retaining information from month to month - but - I am going to try this option for people who sign up nearly every month to just type - Sign me up - in the email.

So starting this month - if you signed up in April - just end me an email that says:

Sign me up
add (Birthday) (2 Lists)  - if applicable

and I will pull your name and address from the previous month.

SEND TO:  ptenvelopes(at)aol(dot)com

If you are new to the exchange or only sign up once in a while - please send me your full name and address in this format:

Jane Doe
123 Oak Street
Ames, Iowa 50010 
(Birthday) (2 Lists)

It's optional to tell us if it is your birthday month - and optional for people to do birthday themed envelopes.
2 Lists - means you are willing to be on two lists if I need to make the lists come out even.

CLICK HERE  for additional information for new exchangers 


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

MAR to Paula - St. Joseph's saw

Liked the border, liked the flowers, liked the lettering - freaked out when I put the stamp on and could see the flowers through the stamp. I don't think I have ever seen stamp-paper so thin that you could see through them. Very unusual. I love that stamp and was sad to see it paired with a design that overpowers it. Happily, I did end up doing something different and nearly perfect with it which we will see in a couple days.

Paula is the clerk at the post office in Hudson NH who exchanges which is why her address is not blocked.

The 4th topic I flagged in Troy's letter was this one:

There is also the St. Joseph's Day pasta. It has breadcrumbs to be like sawdust since he was a carpenter. I'm not sure if he had a saw, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. (4)

I am endlessly fascinated with learning about the origins of things like beads and saws. It's hard to know how tools evolved. Is evolved the right word? I don't think so. Once in a while I get interested in how words evolved - but not enough to go looking for a better word for this blurb because I'm more curious about the origin of saws.

Here's the information or misinformation that popped up when I searched:

The first flint saws appeared during the early Paleolithic Era, between 60,000 and 10,000 b.c. Stone saws and composite saws made of stone bladelets or "microliths" set into a bone handle also were made during this time. The first metal blades were made possible by the discovery of copper about 4,000 years ago.

So, St. Joseph probably had a pretty nice saw. 

Topic no 4 will have a Part 2.

Monday, April 29, 2024

MAR to Sharon - third point from Troy's letter

This one came fairly close to being just fine. I had to find something to go with the last three 15-cent stamps - and the flag was perfect. I was happy with the green-E. It seems like it needed one more *something* but I couldn't think of anything - and while writing this after it's long gone - I'm still drawing a blank.


Imagine Andy of Mayberry wagging his head back and forth and saying, with a drawl - Troy, Troy, Troy - although it would sound better with a two-syllable name like Barney-Barney-Barney - or Gomer-Gomer-Gomer.

I'll give Troy the benefit of the doubt and assume that it was intended as a joke when he wrote:

...and I am running out of time before someone catches me allegedly not working.  (2) Then I would have to explain PTEX and how do you do that to a normal person? (3) 

Troy -- we ARE normal. It IS normal to have connections with fellow humans through things like mail art. My favorite part of the blog and exchange is that a bunch of us have a connection and we are all very normal. Being involved with something creative is a component of normalcy. Without any connection to creativity people have empty spaces and feel a little lost. When you have a creative outlet - it fills a need.

Of course - we have to keep this to ourselves. If we suggest it to *those other people* they will get fired up and crush us with their misguided energy...the energy that should be channeled into something creative. Duh. 

In a perfect world, creative outlets would be seen as essentials. Sadly - they've been re-framed as *pass-times.*  So sad. I'm too old to launch a campaign to address this issue - but, maybe the younger readers will embrace the concept and find ways to advocate for creative expression as an absolute essential.

Which reminds me.....

Sunday, April 28, 2024

MAR to Troy and Sharen - beads

More of those favorite stamps - ho-hum on Troy's - Sharen's is OK - 

Second topic from Troy's letter:

Troy said he thought there was a reason that New Orleans has such a *thing* for beads. I didn't find anything other than the meaning behind the green/gold/purple - which didn't stick long enough for me to switch windows and type. Everything else had to do with the dangerous chemicals involved in the bead making as well as in the actual beads. 

My suggestion is to start a new cult of making beads the old fashioned way. Find some mud and then fire them and maybe find some safe glazes - if they even exist. It's pretty hard to find anything without harmful side effects any more.

Or glass beads - or beads in general. Anyone needing a rabbit hole today --Google *earliest beads* -- 150,000 years ago -- or 13,000 years ago -- the info is all over the place -- as are the beads.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

MAR to Kristine and Lynne - allegedly working

Favorite stamps - in the coulda-woulda-shoulda zone. So much potential - but then we needed to use 5 of them. The ancient Pantone markers were still calling to me. Deep regrets on how the lettering turned out. Cautiously optimistic that we'll do better on the April exchange.

The first topic from Troy's letter is an important one. Troy, you are youngish, I am oldish, if you only find one wisdom-like nugget in my blog - I hope it is this one. Worrying that the time you spend on 5 envelopes per month is somehow eating into time that would be better spent *working* is misguided worrying. This is addressing your *allegedly working* comment.

Having a creative outlet - especially one that is so easy to insert for a few minutes here and there is like vitamins or essential amino acids. I would say as vital as air and water - but that might be an overstatement. E.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. benefits from having something to counterbalance the type of work one does to earn one's keep. 

People who do not understand that (I'm talking about people in manager roles) and expect all work and no breaks are very dangerous people. The details to the following story don't matter - but recently, a friend told me about an incident where a manager/director level person was let go suddenly because of a matter that nobody knew about - and when the announcement was made - there was spontaneous clapping. Not that there had been overt displeasure with the guy -- everyone had been lulled into the same perspective that we all put up with bosses because they are what they are -- but obviously, everyone's intuition was saying the same thing about the guy. Good riddance. 

So, if you have an artsy side that you like to *feed* from time to time -- keep doing it. Don't ever feel like the moments you steal to doodle or hum or stare into space are wasted moments. 

This is just my opinion - but I am right.


Friday, April 26, 2024

MAR to Juliana - PTEX cult

This was the page view tally yesterday at 6 am - I wonder if we are going to hit 2-million today.
Update: At 5:22 am today - it was 2,000,250.


This is the last (probably) Lichtenstein stamp and it seems like it needed something else. It is distracting to have both outlined and not-outlined - now that it is gone -- I think the solution would have been to outline the top name and then fill in the background so that there was a stronger dark band across the top.
Grrrr that I didn't think of that before I put the stamp on.

As mentioned yesterday, Troy gave me 4 topics. Maybe 5 - because I should address his designation of PTEX as a cult. That's one of those bell curve/spectrum words. Having a cult following in the art/music/theater/film world is a pinnacle of sorts. I could go on and on and on - but, a good cult leader would never do that....and if we have learned nothing else --- we should all feel very relieved and confident that my cult and I are on the end of the spectrum where things are kind and nurturing. 

Although that sounds braggy - and I might be deeply unhinged.. 

That was the coffee speaking. 

Did anyone appreciate that I wrote: My cult and I  - and not - me and my cult. 


Thursday, April 25, 2024

MAR to Janet and Susan - Troy's March letter

This one is a tiny bit better than the others that appeared on these envelopes. A looser interpretation is often a more successful direction. It is hard to part with the abstract expressionist stamps - but we're mustering every bit of *whatever* to do it.

I feel like I already posted this one and discussed how ho-hum it is - so, apologies if I am making you look at it again. 

Troy's envelopes for March included this fun letter. I didn't ask for permission to post - assuming he sent it to 5 of us - I know that at least 4 others have a copy and any of the 20+ would have gotten it - and we want to make the non-exchangers feel included in the chuckles. Cult-leader Jean has added her comments in green. 

March 16, 2024

Dear Fellow PTEX Cult Members. LOL

Unfortunately, you will get your envelopes after St. Patrick's Day. You will likely receive this after St. Joseph's Day. So, that of which I write will be in the past.

I'm here in my office working away (allegedly). (1) This weekend we have a couple of interesting festivities. 

First there is St. Patrick's Day and the corresponding parade. Of course, there will be beads. Whatever the occasion, there are always beads in this town. Beads hang from power lines, trees, bushes, whatever else for months after a parade. After Fat Tuesday, there are trees covered with them as if it snowed beads.

There's a source to the bead thing.....but, I don't recall it at the moment and I am running out of time before someone catches me allegedly not working.  (2) Then I would have to explain PTEX and how do you do that to a normal person? (3) So, I'll just type faster and get through this.... addition to the beads, there will be cabbages. That is one of the features of the St. Patrick's Day Parades (yes, plural).

Second, there is the St. Joseph's Day Parade (I think there is only one). All around the city in various places there are elaborate altars with food.

There is a large Sicilian population in New Orleans. My short version of the origin of the significance of the day is: Drought in Sicily, prayers to St. Joseph, rain, let's have a parade.

There is also the St. Joseph's Day pasta. It has breadcrumbs to be like sawdust since he was a carpenter. I'm not sure if he had a saw, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story. (4)

Please don't ask if there will be should know the answer by now.

Thank you, Troy, I have 4 topics to research and add to the next 4 days of posts. I might have to add a 5th post if I find out what it is about New Orleans that cultivated the party culture. Although, it probably doesn't matter - on any bell curve - someone has to be at the far end of the curve. I'll keep using the term bell curve even though everyone is calling it a spectrum these days.

Non-exchangers are welcome to join the cult.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

MAR to Irene and Ben - Timbertop School

Troy coined the phrase - FOJ - Fear of Jean - which my Mean Jean persona rather enjoys - but Mean Jean is such a minor character. Kind and Nurturing Jean would like anyone who has a project on the back burner to know that sometimes the best way to finish up a project is to just pitch it. I was so intent on finding lovely designs to go with the Lichtenstein stamps. These two were left - and now they are gone - and having them gone has lightened my load. It's entirely possible that my April envelopes will be so much better - with my *clean slate* so to speak.

While we are on the topic of study-on-a-ship opportunities - an article from the NYTimes caught my eye. Here is a quote from the article referring to the author's daughter ... she is hundreds of miles away at a uniquely Australian school in the bush, where she is running and hiking dozens of miles a week, sharing chores with classmates, studying only from books and, most miraculously, spending her whole ninth-grade school year without the internet, a phone, a computer or even a camera with a screen.

This is partly on topic - because, yes, the students get to have a year of snail mail. If you want to read the article - do a search at the NYTimes - *Timbertop* will take you to the article.

Or - you might want to look at the website for the school:

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

MAR to Cathy - Semester at Sea

Oh oh. Is that how you spell it? When you say it, it sounds more like oht-oh. The lettering is done with some Pantone markers from when you could buy one at a time - used to augment the ZIGs - and they are 30 years old - and I should just toss them - but that does not seem like something I could ever do ---- although - I'm almost thinking I could...... 
Brace yourselves for quite a few that are ho-hum or even worse.

It is still the same afternoon when I wrote yesterday's blurb. Wondering about stories caused a few to pop up - including one that is about mail

When I first met him - in 1976 his World Campus Afloat experiences were fun to listen to. I searched and did not find this story on the blog - so it's a good space filler - and not entirely off-topic.

WCA is still around - it is now called Semester at Sea - easy to find through Google. It's a big cruise-type ship offering college credit for classes taught by legitimate instructors/professors who are on board. It is not a fancy ship - but sea-worthy. MrWilson chose an itinerary that started in Florida and had a couple stops in Africa and then India - then some other places - maybe Phillipines, Hong Kong, Japan - then Hawaii - ending in California. 

Trips are approximately 110 days and 10 stops - so that's a lot of time on the ship and in 1973 the only communication with family was writing letters. Families had addresses and a timeline so they could send mail that would be waiting at the various ports. Phone calls were available for emergencies only. 

In one of MrWilson's classes - the assignment was to come up with some kind of rumor to start on the ship to track the flow of rumors. The rumor they started was that there had been a problem and there would be no mail at the next port. Enough of the students were so traumatized by the news that they had to call off the project. As I recall, he said the women were a little more upset about not getting their mail - not that it matters - but just think of what it would have been like to send your kid off - and having only snail mail for updates. Or perhaps it was a welcome break?


Monday, April 22, 2024

MAR to Hudson USPS - Background issues

These three are to the clerks at the post office in Hudson NH and I left an N out of Christanna's name so I will be sending three more. The JO in Jordan is way off. I have some better ideas for when I do a correction for Christina. Anyone with lots of time to fill may send some happy mail to Hudson if you like these names. Am I the only one who has preferences for certain kinds of names? I put these three in a larger envelope - addressed to Paula - the clerk who sent the names of her co-workers. The stamps on these envelopes are *used.*


And the black borders are where I used the tool to remove the background - but on Allison's - the tool worked and did not leave the black border. It will not be hard to remember that I do not want to try any photo modification options - because they have minds of their own.

Our new POV for everything is going to be KIS - Keep it simple. 
It is 2:30 pm and this is super boring blurb writing - apologies - I will refrain from writing blurbs in the PM.
Blurb writing should happen right after the morning coffee. 
Serial posts -- stories that go on for a few days - seem to be better.
I have 14 days to fill - I wonder if I can think of some stories?

Sunday, April 21, 2024

MAR to Susan - 2 items from Amy

I used the tool to remove the background from the photo and then when I inserted the photo of the envelope into the blog post - the background I had removed turned black and to be honest - it might have helped the design which was a resounding dud. I was using up my Pantone markers on some envelopes that were super nice paper. Poor planning on the spacing. 

Susan deserves something much better than this. The only reason I sent it without doing it over was that out of 20-22 envelopes for the month - at least half of them needed to be redone. Perhaps I am doing Susan a favor by sending things that she is happy to toss - because she might be running out of space. I penciled in her zip code and I have no idea how I finished this envelope. 
Apologies sent along with the deep regrets.

Amy sent a couple items - first a link to USPS podcasts. I have not listened to anything yet as I am on a majorly disciplined mission to resolve some hoard issues.

Amy also sent this link to something on TikTok - and I don't think I have ever been on TikTok. She says that you do not have to *join* - but, disciplined-Jean is doing the least amount of surfing possible - and trying a whole new platform sounds very counter productive to my mission.

Amy says it is a dad who does a daily drawing on his son's lunch bag
@popteez  -- if you know how TikTok works - I guess that's the address??

Thanks, Amy for helping fill the blog. 


Saturday, April 20, 2024

FEB from Sharon - POV


As a dragon-year-person - I like dragons - and this is a very nice one. The gold envelope is perfect. The address is nice and legible. Hopefully the scanners could read it with ease. 
There was a bonus inside - this very pretty valentine. 

OK, we've been wandering around with multiple topics for 10 days. This is day 11. That means I have a third of those 30 blog posts written and there's no time to do re-writes.

I keep seeing POV everywhere and I assume it means point of view. I don't see how a person can be devoid of a point of view. What would that be? 100% wishy-washy? Is wishy-washy the opposite of POV?

I'm not sure I know how POV is being used. Since it is a trending term it's entirely possible that I am not up on that particular trend. I might *put a pin in it* and come back to the topic. It's March 20th as I write this and the blog is filled up for a month - so - I can put it on the back burner until some new topics pop up.

Friday, April 19, 2024

FEB from Sharen

I usually show the envelope first - but I can't get the photos to move. There was a charming little card with a thank you for the exchange - and another flower enclosure. I like those rounded corners.

And here is the envelope with Sharen's pretty pointed pen addressing.

The adjective I was needing a few days ago had to do with identifying the qualities of my writing that made the words blog-worthy. Since I have the utmost respect for good writing and I've often wished I had time (or had taken the time a while back) to hone those skills - I've made peace with the fact that I am a conversational writer and my audience is what it is - and I don't need to dig any deeper than that.

Whenever thank yous arrive in emails or in the envelopes like this one from Sharen - it's the perfect reminder that it is nice to make connections - and the thanks goes both ways.

We might sum this topic up tomorrow.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

FEB from Patty - Happy Big Number

While we are talking about *vibes* we should note that this has a similar vibe to the envelopes from a couple days ago from Kate and Sam. It even makes me wonder if I should toss out ideas like this and have everyone do their version.

Below is another tried and true layout. that would work in countless ways.

I like the way Patty wrapped the design around to the flap, too.

I'm putting the *feeling* search to rest. It get the same feeling every time I am making/creating anything. Every blog post is a blank page just as every envelope is a blank page. We know there will be an image and some words - that's our mission - coming up with the words and images.

So, there's a feeling that comes when we start something new. Even if we have done it more than 5,000 times. (Referring to how many times I have started a new post)

Oh, wait, I just checked - as of March 20, I have posted 6,004 blog posts. We missed the rollover to 6,000. That's a lot of posts. I'm through pondering what the feeling is when I pop open a blank screen. Now we have to figure out that adjective. Don't worry, you don't have to scroll back - I'll refresh your memory tomorrow.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

FEB from Lynne - Jean's vibe

Lovely pointed pen work from Lynne and some watercolor flowers -- they look a little bit like cherry blossoms. Apologies that I keep using the word *lovely* on all the February envelopes....

A bit more pondering about the origin of the blog.

 I only had a vague notion of what the students were asking for. I, too, had taken many classes/workshops that were sooooo good and I've known the feeling of wishing there was more after the class/workshop was over. So, it seemed like a no-brainer to start a blog. 

At first it was just my own envelopes on the blog. Pretty soon, I started posting envelopes from others. And then the exchanges blossomed and we've morphed into a 50-50 situation. 

Chore avoidance has been a huge component of this whole experience. That coupled with the generous feedback I get is really all I need. People think I put in a lot of hours and I really don't. 

So - did we get our word for the feeling I have about reflecting on what I am doing and wondering if I am maintaining the *vibe*? 

Technically, I don't have a clear idea of what my *vibe* is. Maybe we can talk about that.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

FEB from Leslie

Loving the loveliness from Leslie.

Never mind what I wrote yesterday - the word search topic is alive and well. 

<snipped out a paragraph> too many words about finding words - which led to....


This is turning into an existential question. What am I doing? What are we doing? What do we want? 

Is the act of asking those questions just complete drivel?

OK - you need to know right now - there's no way that any of us are going to find answers to these questions. The blog was this thing I started because I had students who were wishing they could get *more* of something after the session of classes had ended.

More what? I don't think they were specific -- but, I interpreted it as a wish that they could get more of whatever they had gotten out of the class. What started out as an extension of a class is now just an abstract and virtual *gathering.* Or maybe it's something different for each person.


Monday, April 15, 2024

From Kate and Jessica - Red markers/craft stores

I forgot to put this bookmark in the post yesterday. Kate made it and it had something to do with tea bags. My self discipline is not allowing me to go search in the hard copies.

Below is the envelope from Jessica. Sticking with just red and white has me interested in doing something along those lines -- although I know that I have very few red markers. Here's a topic I could rant about.

Troy likes my rants and I know there is an email from him with a very good rant topic that I will have to dig out.

I was going to rant about not being able to buy red markers - but I realized that I need to look at a couple stores that I avoid. We no longer have an actual art supply store and the scrapbooking store has a very limited supply - so I need to figure out a way to enter a craft store. Do I need to explain why?

Also - the whole grammar thing and looking for words has drifted into the ozone. 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

FEB from Kate - Kate and I

When this arrived - I was struck by how much it resembled the envelope that I chosen as my own inspiration that I intended to use for some of my Feb envelopes. I did not end up doing that - but, since I had saved the image to my downloads - I could at least pull it out and add it to this post for fun.

 The inspiration envelope is from a couple (or 3) years ago when Sam found us and exchanged. Sadly, she passed away - but if anyone is new to the blog and you have not seen Sam's envelopes - put her name into the search box - there's some really good stuff. Search both Sam and Samantha.

Grammar - what was I going to say about grammar?

I loved grammar but was woefully inept at spelling and I still am. The grammar *rule* that I thought was one of the iron-clad ones was. Putting the other name first. It was ALWAYS:

Kate and I are going to eat lunch. NEVER: Me and Kate are going to eat lunch.

During the years my kids were growing up ( 80s and 90s ) - I noticed that sooooo many kids would use *me and Kate....* and it drove me crazy. I'd ask other parents if it bothered them - and they all noticed it - but it didn't bother them as much as it bothered me.

Little by little - it has taken over -- and it seems like it's perfectly fine to say *me and Kate....*

I don't know how to word the question to Google about how this change occurred - so if any of you know how it happened or can find out, please send me a link. It still sounds so weird to me.

Tomorrow we will return to the search for the noun and the if we can even remember what we were looking for.

7 am CST - and alert reader Scarlet from the UK has left a link for us - in the comments - that explains it has nothing to do with grammar - it's all about being polite. Thank you -- I am currently working on early June posts - so we will return to this topic on June 10. Thank you Scarlet.